Saturday, December 16, 2017

Walking in the light of God

“Our God is merciful and tender. He will cause the bright dawn of salvation to rise on us.” (LUKE 1:78)

People reject God's message of eternal life through Christ and in so doing kept away from the light as good and righteous. They did not know that in Jesus was life; and the life was the light of men. This light is figurative for relief.

On the righteous.
Righteousness or rectitude is "the quality of being morally right or justifiable." When one is portrayed as righteous, he or she is acting in accord with divine or moral law and is free from guilt or sin. Thus the light of God springs forth abundantly for them, who alone can and well may rejoice in the leadership of the sovereign Lord. "Light shines on the righteous and joy on the upright in heart." (Psalms 97:11).

The upright.
There's a quote which says, “Surround yourself with really upright people. I think that's an important thing. Because the people you surround yourself are a reflection of you.” Uprightness and upfront integrity describes God, the only one who could require the pleasure of total loyalty and close genuine attention to the straight direction of the law Friendship with the heavenly Father was to walk in an upright way guided by his upright word through the sincerity of an upright heart since wholeness or integrity of heart is a close counterpart to uprightness. "Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness: he is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous." (Psalms 112:4)
More than other idols, personal success and achievement may lead to a sense that we ourselves are God, that our security and value rest in our own wisdom, strength and performance. But this not what is meant by success in the Scriptures. God's measure of success involves the obedience and faithfulness of his people to Him, regardless of antagonism and personal cost. His measure of success is whether or not we are being loyal to Him in our personal relationship with Him and in our life, and whether we are achieve His goals and purposes for our life. " What you decide on will be done, and light will shine on your ways. " (Job 22:28)

Happiness and rejoicing.
We are happy and rejoice that there is a God; rejoice that he is such as he is; rejoice in his favor; and we find our highest joy in him. For example, we should make with way we start our day right with gladness for this will greatly determines the quality of the rest of it. An optimistic view does wonders for our soul and for those around us while a negative attitude creates further unhappiness. A complaining spirit, a comparing spirit that produces jealousy and covetousness and a condemning spirit along with a cluttered life brings much restlessness to one’s inner and outer life. "Rejoice in the LORD and be glad, you righteous; sing, all you who are upright in heart!" (Psalm 32:11)

Good life.
A popular want of human beings today is the hunger for the "good life." But the good life means different things to different people. For some, it means a life that is free of any pain or suffering. Others seem to feel that the good life is a life of materialism — the materialistic maxim is, "he who dies with the most toys wins." Others know that such approaches are futile and fleeting, and strive for higher objectives by defining the good life as a human quest for character, values, knowledge, ethics, and higher standards. But for Christians, the good life can only come when we surrender our will to our Lord and Master. "All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast." (Proverbs 15:15)
The righteous man possesses an understanding and his heart is beautified by the light of purity, diffusing a pleasant soft glow, around him in his conversation; and his spirit is cheered with the light of joy and consolation from the countenance of God. " The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day." (Proverbs 4:18)
On account of the affectionate mercy of our God, the compassion that moved the heart of God is thought of, and is to be accomplished through his instrument as it breaks through the darkness like the sunrise connecting itself with such predictions as, “The glory of the Lord hath risen upon thee” (Isaiah 60:1), “The sun of righteousness shall rise” (Malachi 4:2). amen

Michael Medina, WCM
The Light of Christ Ministry 

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Finding Jesus

"On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh." (MATTHEW 2:11 New International Version )

A group of Persian caste regarded as astrologers or wise men came to know about a special sign, a miraculous star that announced the birth of a king. This star led them to Bethlehem. Their caravan arrived in Jerusalem and the whole city was troubled by their news. These men sought the king born but King Herod the Great wanted to destroy this king. It is no surprise since Herod alone wanted to bear the title “King of the Jews” although he was an Idumean, a descendant of Esau. The Magis arrived later than the shepherds and by then, Joseph, Mary and Jesus had moved from the temporary dwelling where the Lord was born.

They are not very different from you or me but one thing is sure: they are touched by God to do a special purpose of discovering His begotten son. Being aware of this would only come from them, and still less could they anticipate the surprise. God wants to draw forth a noble testimony from those called about their encounter with the Messiah. "For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened" (MATTHEW 7:8). Those who took notice of Jesus in their lives are with an honest purpose.

When we show our meekness before the Scriptures and admitting it as having been given to us by the living God, it will lead us to salvation. Even though many of us came to Christ by preaching about Him from another person, the way of salvation is clearly revealed by simply reading the Bible (John 3:16; Rom. 10:9) and we are all saved by putting our trust in the truth of Scripture whether we read it ourselves or are taught it by someone else (1 Peter 1:23). “Does not Scripture say that the Messiah will come from David's descendants and from Bethlehem, the town where David lived?" (JOHN 7:42)

The Book of Hosea, in the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament), urges God's people simply to acknowledge him, and that good things will follow if they do.  To "acknowledge,” In its broader sense, it involve implication of being open to the truth, of facing the facts.  Each person has more choice about what he acknowledges than about what we know. Acknowledging Jesus, in the sense of facing the facts about him, can lead us to admire and stand in respect:  the very thing the author of Hosea, says what God is looking for. The same can be given to Jesus, being God's only begotten son." Then Jesus said to him, "Be gone, Satan! For it is written, 'you shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.'" (MATTHEW 4:10)

Troubled along with company (v3)
When Herod the king had heard of Jesus' birth, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. It is understandable why Herod was troubled, considering that if the baby was the Jewish Messiah he might over throw him. At that time the Jews believed that the Messiah would overthrow the Romans. But why would all of Jerusalem be troubled? In John 11:48, it says, "If we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him: and the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation". One bible commentary places it as the Romans being ruthless in quelling insurrection, besides anyone having anything to do with it would be deposed. At that time, a Roman prefect was appointed--Pilate was one in a succession of them. The Herodian Dynasty ruled, yet the 'procurator' could summon the Roman legions, making any attempt to rule meaningless. If referring the Jewish leadership, it makes perfect sense then that the whole city would be troubled.

Curious but without faith (V7)
Curiosity is a strong desire to learn about something. In Psalms, we see a strong desire to understand God and His work and Creation. Naturally, curiosity can lead one off track like the Prodigal Son. The young man tells his father to give him his inheritance then immediately sets off to see what is in the world. He was soon broke and stranded far from home with no one to help him. Curiosity led him to sin against his father and to make poor life decisions. Curiosity can be a good thing if one hears the Gospel and wants to know who Jesus is by faith. “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him." HEBREWS 11:6

Those who do not know Jesus will almost believe any wild-eyed fanatic, Hollywood movie depicting the end of the world, but will desist from listening that Jesus Christ existed. One is warned: the fog of deception was so thick that this will always and almost consume the unbeliever and they won’t recognize what’s upon them! As Jesus said a long time ago, “Take heed that no man deceive you.” This warning is for you and me that we must not be deceived about war, pestilence, famine and other unconscionable calamities and be confused. For those who did not found Jesus and believed in him, such idea of becoming aware of the Lord is an absurd doctrine and ridiculous. “At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time.” (MATTHEW 24:23)

You can tell a lot about a person who found Jesus in their lives. Those who have found him have dedicated their lives to maintain their gain. Finding Jesus is easy when you search for him for He says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock” (Rev. 3:20). Today, you can find Him at the door of your heart—the core of your existence—waiting to come in. Jesus longs to be in the center of your dreams, thought, and desires. He wants a real relationship with the real you. AMEN

Friday, December 8, 2017

God's obedient servant

“I am the Lord's servant,” said Mary; “may it happen to me as you have said.” And the angel left her. (LUKE 1:38 Good News Translation)

A servant is not always above his master. The word servant is descriptive of a slave in the Old Testament times, a social inferior, it also means a worshipper or a messenger of God. In the New Testament, the word servant is distinctively applied to Christians (ACTS 2:18) and the glorified saints (REVELATIONS 22:3).The King James  Version portrays Mary calling herself the "handmaid" (doo-lay) of the Lord--a female slave. other versions translate the same as servant. The Messiah is the model servant.

Humbles one's self (ISAIAH 66:2)
God's lowly servant places self as less important than others. He has turned away from the direction of sin. Although sometimes he is discouraged and feels incompetent, God hears his cry and exalts his contrite spirit. The spiritual temple of the heart, though not prevailing the outward place of worship, is God's favorite dwelling.

Bring one's self low (LUKE 18:14)
God's lowly servant always brings himself in low situations that is why he receive God's divine influence upon his heart and he reflects it in his life. He always makes sure to exalt the Lord always that God, in his pleasure, approves on what is in his heart. He serves his fellowmen and receives the blessings for his actions.

Keep God's laws (PSALM 119:61)
God's law-abiding servant does not forget His law and fears His word when it speaks into his heart. This more of love in honoring God's law.

Kneels with wobble knees (ACTS 16:29)
This is an act of worship. God's law-abiding servant kneels down  with trembling kneels in submission to God only and not on men, entrusting to Him his problems and difficulties in life and everything what he has done for Him.

Sad for other people's sins (EZRA 9:4)
God's loyal servant offers the right sacrifice of praying for the forgiveness of the transgression of those that had been carried away in sin and at the same time recognizes his own mistakes and does his promise to God to reflect and change his ways too.

With tender heart and weeps before God (2 Kings 22:19)
God's loyal servant has a sensitive heart, that is soft like wax and receptive of impressions; having been "moved", or "trembled" at God in respect, has shown modesty and thus regarded by the Lord for expressive inward remorse, sorrow, and grief of his heart and thus was heard of his cries and prayers.

Everyone hates God's servant but he remains firm and silent when being reviled and persecuted and said of all manner of evil falsely for God's sake. The bad things said of Christ's followers shall be untrue and that they are insulted for Christ's sake. AMEN

Michael Medina, WCM

The Light of Christ Ministry

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Privileged and set apart

“And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.” (Luke 1:28 KJV)
God does not play favorites. But He does indeed show favor, not for the benefit of the chosen but rather for the benefit of God’s Kingdom. Different forms of favor may come in special approval, attention, kindness, gifts and encouragement. Other times, favor comes in the form of protection or special help in order for us to accomplish something God wants us to do. We might also add the supernatural relief of sufferings, from dangerous situations or from consequences and enemies. A Christian who is highly favored and blessed had a special calling, someone who desired to do God’s will, was willing to pay the cost, and had faith God would do what he promised to do.
Eats the labor of his hands, is happy and well. (Psalm 128:2). It is a blessing to live on the fruits of one's own industry. In temporal blessings the dutiful does not forget the richer blessings of God's grace, which they shall ever enjoy.
Given the fruit of his hands; and his own works praise him. (Proverbs 31:31). This is interpreted as the graces of the church, and of all believers, which are the fruits of the Spirit in them, and of their hands, as exercised by them, such as faith, hope, love, humility, patience, and others, will be found to honor and praise; and every such person shall have praise of God.
Enemies fighting against you shall not prevail against you for the Lord is with you to deliver you. (Jeremiah 1:19). Those who hinder you from preaching God’s word stop your mouth, and even take away your life will not prevail against you since the Lord will “hide [you] when they sought for [you], and deliver [you] out of the dungeon and bonds into which he was cast by them.”
All the people will know that you are a righteous man. (RUTH 3:11). You will be known as someone who is good, possessing grace and virtue and having every agreeable qualification in godly knowledge.
What you have done will be told in memory of you. (Mark 14:9), in remembrance of you and your work, and in commendation of your faith, love, and duty.
You have done so much work for the Lord. (ROMANS 16:12). Your diligence in God’s work to the very end will help you realize what you hoped for.
Since one is highly favored and blessed by God, it means one is graciously accepted, or has obtained grace. To that special and particular favor, in being chosen and singled out from all other people, keep on being one and many people will hold you in the highest regard in love because of your work and you will live in peace with them. AMEN
Michael Medina, WCM
The Light of Christ Ministry