Saturday, December 2, 2017

Privileged and set apart

“And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.” (Luke 1:28 KJV)
God does not play favorites. But He does indeed show favor, not for the benefit of the chosen but rather for the benefit of God’s Kingdom. Different forms of favor may come in special approval, attention, kindness, gifts and encouragement. Other times, favor comes in the form of protection or special help in order for us to accomplish something God wants us to do. We might also add the supernatural relief of sufferings, from dangerous situations or from consequences and enemies. A Christian who is highly favored and blessed had a special calling, someone who desired to do God’s will, was willing to pay the cost, and had faith God would do what he promised to do.
Eats the labor of his hands, is happy and well. (Psalm 128:2). It is a blessing to live on the fruits of one's own industry. In temporal blessings the dutiful does not forget the richer blessings of God's grace, which they shall ever enjoy.
Given the fruit of his hands; and his own works praise him. (Proverbs 31:31). This is interpreted as the graces of the church, and of all believers, which are the fruits of the Spirit in them, and of their hands, as exercised by them, such as faith, hope, love, humility, patience, and others, will be found to honor and praise; and every such person shall have praise of God.
Enemies fighting against you shall not prevail against you for the Lord is with you to deliver you. (Jeremiah 1:19). Those who hinder you from preaching God’s word stop your mouth, and even take away your life will not prevail against you since the Lord will “hide [you] when they sought for [you], and deliver [you] out of the dungeon and bonds into which he was cast by them.”
All the people will know that you are a righteous man. (RUTH 3:11). You will be known as someone who is good, possessing grace and virtue and having every agreeable qualification in godly knowledge.
What you have done will be told in memory of you. (Mark 14:9), in remembrance of you and your work, and in commendation of your faith, love, and duty.
You have done so much work for the Lord. (ROMANS 16:12). Your diligence in God’s work to the very end will help you realize what you hoped for.
Since one is highly favored and blessed by God, it means one is graciously accepted, or has obtained grace. To that special and particular favor, in being chosen and singled out from all other people, keep on being one and many people will hold you in the highest regard in love because of your work and you will live in peace with them. AMEN
Michael Medina, WCM
The Light of Christ Ministry